Zentral Ltd is an Oceania Investment Firm regulated by the NEW ZEALAND Securities & Exchange Commission (NZSEC), number 114/10, licensed to offer Reception, Transmission and Execution of Orders, Dealing on Own Account and safe-keeping of client financial instruments.

Zentral was established in 2009 and received its regulatory license from NZSEC in March 2015.

Zentral has 8 operational departments, independent Compliance, AML and Risk Officers and the external auditors are Grant Thornton NEW ZEALAND.

The 5-member Board of Directors of Zentral is made up of 3 Executives and 2 Non- Executive Independent Directors vetted and approved by NZSEC. The Board and Management team of Zentral are all licensed professionals, NEW ZEALAND nationals and resident of NEW ZEALAND.

Zentral is a member of the NEW ZEALAND Investor’s Protection Fund.

The headquarters of Zentral is based in Gisborne, the capital of NEW ZEALAND.